miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Meet the parents

It's been a big week, lots of things going down here in Málaga. I will use this busy-ness as an excuse for not having updated my blog. Then I will use updating my blog as an excuse to put off packing a suitcase. Then I will use packing my suitcase as an excuse to put off cleaning the bathroom..... And so on.

This week I finished up at my school, saying lots of goodbyes, getting lots of sloppy cheek kisses, and lots of cute homemade cards. I also finished up private classes with my students, leaving them English-less until mid-September. This week, more specifically TOMORROW, my parents come!!!!!

My father, enjoying the rich bounty of
dirt-covered, uncured olives in Jaen.

I'm super excited. We have 2 weeks of road trippin' through Andalucía, a flamenco show, lots of eating, drinking, and relaxing. However, there is one event on this vacation that is leaving me a little bit nervous.The parents will be meeting José. And José's parents. For lunch.

José avoiding the papparazzi in Santander.

José and I have been dating for a while now and I know his family fairly well. With my parents coming, both sets of parents were eager to meet. His parents are wonderful people. My parents are also wonderful people. We are all wonderful people. But we happen to speak 2 languages. In our group of 6, we have:
  • 2 people who are essentially bilingual.
  • 2 people who can communicate decently in their non-native tongue about key ideas, and aren't ashamed to dive right in.
  • 1 person who can sort of understand, but gets a little embarrassed talking.
  • 1 mother whose sole phrase in the opposite language is "dónde aquí," said together, with a thick accent, and much embellishment, because it "sounds really Spanish."
I have this fear that we will be sitting there over a delicious 3-hour Spanish lunch in

Crickets chirping, throat clearing, I´m going to go check on the thing in the oven silence.

I'm sure it will turn out fine and it will be a great and unique afternoon. José and I have been scheming of ways to break the ice, so to speak, and keep things moving. So far we have:
  • His 2 dogs, who, as animals, will be around the lunch table being cute and funny.
  • Beer.
  • A long playlist of parent-friendly tunes.
  • Beer.
  • Possibly bringing in his sister and brother-in-law to add into the mix.
  • Wine.
  • .......maybe keep that wine coming. 

Wish us luck!

1 comentario:

  1. :o) I'm sure after a glass or two everyone will be smiling, laughing and talking..about what who knows...just keep the wine flowing. lol!

    p.s. thanks for answering my questions about CEIP Vicente Alexiandre.
